Category Archives: Hacking

NoSQL injection in MongoDB

We all know that SQL injection (SQLi) is a thing. But it may surprise quite a few people that similar injection techniques are possible when the underlying database is a NoSQL database.

In this post, I’ll show a simple way of exploiting such a NoSQL injection in two ways.

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Intro to Hack the Box


Hackthebox – or HTB – calls itself a “massive hacking playground” and that is exactly what it is – besides also being a great place to learn all about hacking and infosec. In short, they offer anyone the possibility of learning hacking skills without breaking any laws. To do that, HTB offers a wide range of virtual machines and even whole networks that anyone is allowed to attack/break into.

To proof that one has completed a challenge/machine, each of them contains one or more flags (machines contain a user and a root flag). Flags are just long, random strings of characters that HTB knows. To proof successful compromise of a machine or challenge, one needs to submit the corresponding flag.

They also offer competitive hacking games, CTF challenges and an interactive academy. There’s a lot to learn, so let’s get started!

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